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xtopo - calculate and display an artificial fractal landscape topographically  


xtopo [-druFRTV] [-w width] [-h height] [-o filename] [-S level] [-H beta] [-m index] [-c colorwheel] [-n count] [-a min] [-b max]  


xtopo generates and graphically displays an artificial fractal landscape.  


-H r
Specifies the value of beta (determines fractal dimension). Larger values of beta give rise to "smoother" fractal landscapes. The default value of beta is 0.5.
Indicates the display will be in the root window. In this mode, the default color map will be used and no spinning of the color wheel is possible.
-S r
Specifies the value of sea level. Values can range from 0 to 1. Default is 0.35.
Indicates the use of a Thin array (512x512) rather than the 1K x 1K array.
Indicates the use of a Very thin array (256x256) rather than the 1K x 1K array.
-a min
Specifies the lower bound from which a random value of beta will be selected. This is only used if -r is also selected. Default value is 0.0.
-b max
Specifies the upper bound from which a random value of beta will be selected. This is only used if -r is also selected. Default value is 1.0.
-c n
Selects one of ten different color wheels to use. The default color wheel is a rainbow palette.
Indicates demo mode. In this mode, the landscape will be calculated, displayed, spun, then the program will exit.
-w n
Specifies the width of the window. Default is 512.
-h n
Specifies the height of the window. Default is 512.
-m n
Specifies the minimum color index to be used for the upper end of the color wheel
-n numpics
Specifies how many topographic maps to compute before exiting. During display (see NOTES below), pressing 'n' or 'N' will skip to the next map.
-o filename
Specifies the output filename to be used. If the -o option is given, this file will automatically be written out at the completion of the drawing. If it is not specified, a default filename of xtopo.ppm is used and only written if the 'f' or 'F' keys are pressed during a run. The format of the output file is PPM. The parameters used to calculate the picture are included as comments at the beginning of the output file.
Indicates to randomly select a value of beta between 0 and 1 for each landscape. -s Indicates to spin the color wheel immediately upon completion of display.
Produces a usage message.



During display, use of the keys +-><0123456789fFnNrswW?hqQ indicates:

           (+) Increment minimum color index.
           (+) Decrement minimum color index.
           (<) Decrement sea level and redraw.
           (>) Increment sea level and redraw.
           (0-9) Set sea level to 0.0 thru 0.9.
           (n or N) Skip to the next fractal landscape.
           (s) Spin the color wheel in the positive direction.
           (r) Spin the color wheel in the negative direction.
           (W or w) Increment or decrement the color map index.
           (Q or q) quit



        Ronald Joe Record
     The Santa Cruz Operation 
          P.O. Box 1900
       Santa Cruz, CA 95061



The algorithm, which uses the technique of midpoint displacement, was derived from lectures given by Dietmar Saupe at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Assistance with colormaps and spinning color wheels and X was gleaned from Hiram Clawson and Stacey Campbell.




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